Starting yesterday morning he rolled off the changing table (I was standing in front of him but he went around me). I caught him before he hit the floor but he did bang the table a bit.
Then he was playing in an empty kitchen cabinet and he fell out face first onto the the tile floor. He has a bruise on the tip of his nose now.
Last night while we ate dinner, he was playing with some pots and pans. One of them crashed to the floor and scared him, he jumped and slammed into the door. He has a scratch on the bridge of his nose.
The the big one...playing in the bath, he used the side of the tub to stand up. He started to tip out so I nudged his shoulders back in, his feet slipped, his chin clocked the side of the tub, and his two bottom teeth busted through his top gum. His mouth was full of blood, it was bad.
And to top it all off his eczema is horrible from being outside so much this weekend. His skin looks like leather.
So needless to say he was dosed with orajel, tylenol, and benadryl before bed. I guess you could say that I was not a great mom yesterday...I kinda sucked.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
We had a stellar weekend
It started Friday when Micah got home from Pittsburg and like a night on a shining silver horse he brought home my suburban with a working air conditioner. We took the kids over to the neighbors and headed to Chrisman Mill for our Tuscan-style dinner. We got a little lost on the way, which always stresses me out, but we got there. The atmosphere was great, there were only 10 other people, the french doors were open, and in between courses we went outside and did a little stargazing. The food was good and there was a ton of it. I think we ate for nearly 3 hours!! The wine was a little on the green side but Micah had a little tete-a-tete with the winemaker about it and he fessed up, he said that they didn't have a very good crop and had to do a lot of blending. And due to Micah's bold move we scored our first taste of tank wine. It was the 2005 that they hadn't bottled yet, it tasted much better than the stuff they served with dinner so we will anticipate when they finally get around to bottling this vintage.
Saturday we bummed around and took a late afternoon nap (5-7), this was a mistake because the kids did not want to go back to bed, but we couldn't resist.
Sunday Micah went on a 6am bike ride, then we headed off to church, then went to an evening BBQ with some new friends. It's always fun to be around new people, even though I feel as if my social skills have plummeted since having children. Sometimes I feel like Tommy from Rugrats. I think I'm talking very plainly but everyone else just hears babbles. That mixed with the fact that I usually look a little haggard, and well, I just don't feel like the life of the party. But we were received warmly and a few brave souls even tried our Paint Thinner Bloody Mary's, and if you wonder what's in you go
Tomato Juice-half bottle
V-8 Hot-half bottle
3 tbsp. Lemon Juice
3 tbsp. Lime Juice
1 tbsp. Celery Salt
1 tbsp. Lemon Pepper
1 tbsp. Dill Weed
1 tbsp. Horseradish
1 tbsp. Picapepper Sauce
1 tbsp. Tiger Sauce
1 tbsp. Tabasco
1 tbsp. Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1 tbsp. Sriacha Sauce
2 tbsp. Worchester Sauce
Pickled Jalapenos (equal to one whole)
Vodka half a 1/5+-
Monday we slept until 9!!!!!!! Gentry slept from 8-9, it was freaking awesome! There was more bumming and then we went to another BBQ. But unlike the BBQ the day before our kids were the only ones there and the house wasn't childproof. So we were nervous wrecks who spent most of our time trying to keep Grey out of trouble and Gentry happy. So we left about 7, came home and had a drink.
It started Friday when Micah got home from Pittsburg and like a night on a shining silver horse he brought home my suburban with a working air conditioner. We took the kids over to the neighbors and headed to Chrisman Mill for our Tuscan-style dinner. We got a little lost on the way, which always stresses me out, but we got there. The atmosphere was great, there were only 10 other people, the french doors were open, and in between courses we went outside and did a little stargazing. The food was good and there was a ton of it. I think we ate for nearly 3 hours!! The wine was a little on the green side but Micah had a little tete-a-tete with the winemaker about it and he fessed up, he said that they didn't have a very good crop and had to do a lot of blending. And due to Micah's bold move we scored our first taste of tank wine. It was the 2005 that they hadn't bottled yet, it tasted much better than the stuff they served with dinner so we will anticipate when they finally get around to bottling this vintage.
Saturday we bummed around and took a late afternoon nap (5-7), this was a mistake because the kids did not want to go back to bed, but we couldn't resist.
Sunday Micah went on a 6am bike ride, then we headed off to church, then went to an evening BBQ with some new friends. It's always fun to be around new people, even though I feel as if my social skills have plummeted since having children. Sometimes I feel like Tommy from Rugrats. I think I'm talking very plainly but everyone else just hears babbles. That mixed with the fact that I usually look a little haggard, and well, I just don't feel like the life of the party. But we were received warmly and a few brave souls even tried our Paint Thinner Bloody Mary's, and if you wonder what's in you go
Tomato Juice-half bottle
V-8 Hot-half bottle
3 tbsp. Lemon Juice
3 tbsp. Lime Juice
1 tbsp. Celery Salt
1 tbsp. Lemon Pepper
1 tbsp. Dill Weed
1 tbsp. Horseradish
1 tbsp. Picapepper Sauce
1 tbsp. Tiger Sauce
1 tbsp. Tabasco
1 tbsp. Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1 tbsp. Sriacha Sauce
2 tbsp. Worchester Sauce
Pickled Jalapenos (equal to one whole)
Vodka half a 1/5+-
Monday we slept until 9!!!!!!! Gentry slept from 8-9, it was freaking awesome! There was more bumming and then we went to another BBQ. But unlike the BBQ the day before our kids were the only ones there and the house wasn't childproof. So we were nervous wrecks who spent most of our time trying to keep Grey out of trouble and Gentry happy. So we left about 7, came home and had a drink.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Crazy weeks continue
We went out last friday night with our much loved neighbors, after two years of knowing one another this was only the third dinner we have ever had with them that didn't include our children...reason being that they are the ones who usually watch the kids so we can go out. Now you understand why we love them so much. We went to our fav. steak house in Lexinton, The Chop House and had a wonderful dinner by the fireplace. We went to Coldstone after for some yummy icecream and then headed home.

Saturday we had a ton of stuff to get done. Micah got up at 6:00 to go on a bikeride and got home about 11, he mowed the lawn and then finished my pantry shelves (part of my mother's day present). They turned out spectacular!!!
We got ready to go to Cinncinati for Micah's ACS conference. I was a little skeptical at first, so Micah was going to drive us home Monday night and then go back up until Wednesday. After we got there I saw that we had a suite, so Gentry was able to take his naps without Grey waking him up. So we stayed and played on the elevators, swam in the pool, and played with Emmy the hotel parrot. They were doing construction on the building next door so Grey was in crane heaven. It was a lot of fun! One of the coolest things was the free bar from 5-7:30 everynight.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thank You SJP!!!
You may think this is going to become a shallow tribute to Sarah Jessica Parker, but it's not. I saw an advertisement saying that she was going to be on Oprah I thought I'd watch. And low and behold she's started a new clothing line called "Bitten". The cool thing is that there is nothing in the the 400+ items over $19.99!!!
About 2 yrs ago I read a book called "Disciplined Woman" by Ann Sanders. It was written back in the '70's and it talked about all the things a woman can do to make her family feel more loved and to streamline her home. One of the things she did to accomplish this was to strip everything from her closet that wasn't essential. She was a preachers wife, so for her that meant having 5 dresses, 7 pantsuits, 5 daytime outfits, etc. Not only did she pair the clothing in her closet so that she new exactly what outfits she had be she knew what accessories and shoes went with each. Her reasoning was that women waste way to much time and money trying to look good and get dressed in the morning (and most of us get angry in the process).
So I decided that that was something I could do, and then I got pregnant, and then had a baby, and then lost the baby weight...anyway it's been a little hard to get the outfit thing down. But I have stuck by the second part of the resolution I made that day and that was to not spend more than $10 on a piece of clothing from then on. Now I have made an exception here and there. I spent $27.99 on a dress ($400 retail, used on ebay) for our anniversary and $15 on a pair of Christmas dress slacks, but for the most part I've stuck with it.
That's why I'm excited. For the past couple years I have had to shop very carefully, usually used (not that I care). It takes so much less time to know you can just walk in a store and be able to buy something, instead of having to search for the sale rack and then scourer it for the best deal. And now I can buy clothes that actually have a "cut" to them again (and ladies you know what I mean). So watch out everyone, I just may start to look fashionable once again!!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day Weekend
This weekend was all around great. We went to Laura's graduation party Saturday afternoon and had some great BBQ. Grey had a blast outside assaulting some 5 yr old neighborhood kid. I also made a cake for Laura as a gift and I fretted over it all week so finally finishing it was a relief. It turned out great considering it was my first attempt at fondant and sugar paste. The best part was it turned out just like the sketch I drew up earlier in the week...I love when things go just as planned, I know, I'm a bit Martha that way.

Then Saturday night we went out for sushi with some friends we used to go to church with. It was the first time we have had sushi and surprise surprise we loved it. We totally gorged ourselves, the waitress brought Micah and my food and put it in the middle of the table because she thought it was for all four of us. Little did she know that we have the appetite of a very large mid-western trucker.
Sunday morning was crunch time. We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Micah had to be at church early to watch the junk yard kids (only nobody called to tell us that there were none this week), and it was Gentry's baby dedication, and we had to pack up some cake and other stuff to go to Louisville for the day. And since I'm horrible under pressure and I had nothing to wear, I was very unpleasant.

The baby dedication went great, our church really does a great job with that. It was very precious and meaningful for us. After church I wanted to get a group picture of my church mom friends and lets just say that chaos ensued. 8 kids under 4 tying to play, and four moms trying to smile...It took Brett and Fred making some sort of kissy/zerburt noises, Greg directing traffic, and Micah wielding the camera to get one picture, but it was worth it.
Then we headed off to New Albany, IN to see Micah's paternal grandparents. It's like going back to the '50s when your on " We sit on the screened in porch, have a vodka tonic, and listen to the silence. I just feel like we have so much to learn from them, they've been married for over 50 years, Janis has Parkinson's, Dick's cancer just came back, but they are still holding on to one another.

So all in all it was a great weekend full of family and friends. And to top it all off I got a new copper bottom skillet and Micah is building me new pantry shelves...very cool.
Then Saturday night we went out for sushi with some friends we used to go to church with. It was the first time we have had sushi and surprise surprise we loved it. We totally gorged ourselves, the waitress brought Micah and my food and put it in the middle of the table because she thought it was for all four of us. Little did she know that we have the appetite of a very large mid-western trucker.
Sunday morning was crunch time. We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Micah had to be at church early to watch the junk yard kids (only nobody called to tell us that there were none this week), and it was Gentry's baby dedication, and we had to pack up some cake and other stuff to go to Louisville for the day. And since I'm horrible under pressure and I had nothing to wear, I was very unpleasant.
The baby dedication went great, our church really does a great job with that. It was very precious and meaningful for us. After church I wanted to get a group picture of my church mom friends and lets just say that chaos ensued. 8 kids under 4 tying to play, and four moms trying to smile...It took Brett and Fred making some sort of kissy/zerburt noises, Greg directing traffic, and Micah wielding the camera to get one picture, but it was worth it.
Then we headed off to New Albany, IN to see Micah's paternal grandparents. It's like going back to the '50s when your on " We sit on the screened in porch, have a vodka tonic, and listen to the silence. I just feel like we have so much to learn from them, they've been married for over 50 years, Janis has Parkinson's, Dick's cancer just came back, but they are still holding on to one another.
So all in all it was a great weekend full of family and friends. And to top it all off I got a new copper bottom skillet and Micah is building me new pantry shelves...very cool.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Just had to share
On the way to the grocery store I saw a little old lady vacuuming her driveway...that's right, you heard me.
My worst fear came true...
Let me start by saying that I have HORRIBLE night vision. I can't see anything in our house, I have just learned how many steps it takes to get from here to there (just like a blind person). So at night when the baby wakes up I just count my steps to the end of the hall and back to our room. Last night after feeding the baby, I nudged Micah to take him back but he didn't wake up so I slid out of bed and took him back. Then I walked to our room, counted the seven steps to the bathroom, turned left and walked two steps, turned and started to back up to the toilet when I stepped on something soft...then heard a deep low voice say "what are you doing". I screamed, jumped, ran out of the room, and turned on the light all in one swift move. I had stepped on Micah's foot and started to sit on him, and since he can see like a cat in the dark I'm sure I looked ridiculous to him.
But my biggest fear is that in the dark someone is waiting for me...behind the shower curtain, behind the door, on the toilet (it could happen), and last night it came true. So I will no longer talk myself out of turning on all the lights because it might wake Micah up, because I'm sure that might bloodcurdling scream is a far worse way to wake up than by the bathroom light.
But my biggest fear is that in the dark someone is waiting for me...behind the shower curtain, behind the door, on the toilet (it could happen), and last night it came true. So I will no longer talk myself out of turning on all the lights because it might wake Micah up, because I'm sure that might bloodcurdling scream is a far worse way to wake up than by the bathroom light.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I'm no social butterfly.
I'm sure some people think I'm a snob, but I'm really just painfully shy. This makes making friends really difficult.
I have always been an introvert, but I was a borderline recluse after Grey was born. I would even have small panic attacks when the phone rang. I don't think I answered the phone, without first screening the call for almost a year. So after Gentry was born I decided I was going to finally make some friends, no matter how painful it was. I set out a criteria, I wanted some friends whose kids were compatible with mine (or had none), whose husbands would get along with mine, and who were receptive. You have no idea how many woman don't want anymore friends.
I started going on play dates, and just like any other kind of date it's a bit awkward at first. Will my kid hurt your kid or vise versa and how do we handle it without hurting the other moms feelings. Are you willing to drive to my house or do I have to come to yours every time. Do we have similar interests. So forth and so on, until a relationship is finally built.
So I picked six women, 3 married with kids, 1 married no kids, 1 married and pregnant, 1 engaged no kids. Now I'm no social butterfly so six meaningful relationships is a lot for me. So I've decided to be a bumble bee...they return to the same flowers over and over. This seems to be working really well for me, I would say 4 of the six relationships is bearing real fruit and the other two are getting there. Life can be really lonely when you don't have some good friends to commiserate with, share joy with, and just be silent with. I'm so glad that I finally have friends again.
I have always been an introvert, but I was a borderline recluse after Grey was born. I would even have small panic attacks when the phone rang. I don't think I answered the phone, without first screening the call for almost a year. So after Gentry was born I decided I was going to finally make some friends, no matter how painful it was. I set out a criteria, I wanted some friends whose kids were compatible with mine (or had none), whose husbands would get along with mine, and who were receptive. You have no idea how many woman don't want anymore friends.
I started going on play dates, and just like any other kind of date it's a bit awkward at first. Will my kid hurt your kid or vise versa and how do we handle it without hurting the other moms feelings. Are you willing to drive to my house or do I have to come to yours every time. Do we have similar interests. So forth and so on, until a relationship is finally built.
So I picked six women, 3 married with kids, 1 married no kids, 1 married and pregnant, 1 engaged no kids. Now I'm no social butterfly so six meaningful relationships is a lot for me. So I've decided to be a bumble bee...they return to the same flowers over and over. This seems to be working really well for me, I would say 4 of the six relationships is bearing real fruit and the other two are getting there. Life can be really lonely when you don't have some good friends to commiserate with, share joy with, and just be silent with. I'm so glad that I finally have friends again.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
New Chapter
Well, I'm over my pity party, and that's mainly due to the patience of my husband, some good 'ole church, and being blindsided by a friends divorce.
I guess contentment breeds silence because I don't have much to say. Micah's coming home at a normal time, our lawn is mowed, our house is fairly clean, and the kids are happy. I'm really liking this new chapter.
I guess contentment breeds silence because I don't have much to say. Micah's coming home at a normal time, our lawn is mowed, our house is fairly clean, and the kids are happy. I'm really liking this new chapter.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Still waiting Lord
Last week at church they taught on the parable of the vinyard owner who paid all of his workers the same wage, the ones who worked all day and the ones who only worked an hour. I've thought about this all week because I am often envious (not really jealous) of others. It's not that I think they shouldn't have what they do, I just wonder why God does't want me to have the same. I think we've all heard things like "God will surprise you when you least expect it" "He never tests you beyond what you can bear" "He will wait until you are broken and no longer want it and then you will be rewarded with it" "He will take away the hunger and teach you something new". I agree with all of these statements and have seen a few of them work in my life but I'm still battleing with issues that have consumed me for years. I've prayed over them, kept myself busy so I don't think about them, and I've tried to solve the problem myself, all to no avail. So what happens when you get to this point? I don't know...I'm waiting I guess, because unless we go into debt, unless we move, unless things change, none of my petty (yes they are petty) desires will be filled. Does that make me a shallow, materialistic, petty person, or just unequivically human. I'm unsure, but it makes me feel really crappy.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Last night was so great
My neighbor, Jineane and I went to go see Dirty Dancing. We got there early so we got the last two great seats. It was like the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the way that the audience sang along and cheered at there favorite parts, especially when he said "Nobody puts baby in the corner". One girl even let out a huge sigh when Patrick Swayze took off his shirt and everyone laughed. It was just a good all around time. I almost want to go back tonight and watch it again.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Yesterday had some pretty big blunders. Grey got mad at me for taking away his Lightening McQueen so he went into his closet and got the hydrocortizone cream and wiped it all over himself. After a good smacking and a shower I let him run around naked. He went pee in the potty so he got his new spiderman action figure that came with bubble bath. While I was feeding Gentry he decided to go get his bubble bath and dump it all over his bedroom floor. So another spanking and shower and then to bed early. Does anyone know how to get bubble bath out of carpet because it's not coming out. And this morning I found Gentry trying to eat it, it does smell like tutti fruitti, can't blame him.
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