Wednesday, July 25, 2007

don't get confused...

okay, due to my gypsy nature I've decided to try out wordpress and see what it has to offer.
My new address is

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hear ye, Hear ye, we have accomplished #2!!!!!!!

Grey went poopy in the toilet tonight for the first time, it was HUGE...I mean it was a big deal. We sang, we danced, there was a flurry of chocolate, ice cream, and cake, we blew bubbles, he rode his bike, we called Keaton, we watched Cars...let me repeat, it was a big deal.

We also spent the day in New Albany with Micah's grandparents, we always have such a great time up there, and we always seem to find out some really cool family history in the process. Todays tidbit was that "the hill" where they live is called Mary's Meadow, after Grampa Dick's mom. It was originally owned by his parents and then split into 8 parcels and sold to six different people, this left one parcel in the middle that is considered the neighborhood cool is that. I also found out that both a Schulz and a Moser live on the hill (both my maiden names).

Friday, July 20, 2007

Attitude adjustment

Alright, so I'm over my pity party (which lasted until I had a good nap). Micah had thankfully planned ahead and had found a sitter for a couple of hours last night for our celebration/consolation dinner. After a good meal and two margaritas I was back to my normal sarcastic yet chipper self. We had a great brainstorm session and are trying to move forward. Thanks to all for your prayers, phone calls, and emails, normally it would have taken me days to get over this.

So on to more important things, Grey is almost potty trained!!!!! Thanks to finally convincing him that underwear has "super powers", and with the bribery of chocolate. We've still yet to conquer the poo, but I think it's coming soon. He's only had one accident in the past two days and that was during his nap.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Auction's Over...

Some realtor bought the house. I'm mad. The only way I'm gonna feel better is if the house falls into a sink hole or she does a ton of work to fix it up and then no one buys it so we get a good deal on a renovated house.

Let's just not talk about it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

House update

Okay, I know it's a bit devious but I've been stalking everyone coming and going from the house across the street to determine if we have a chance of getting it or not. Here's what I found out from the latest fella, he's married with two kids (might be a nice neighbor even if we don't get it), 90% of houses that go to auction get bought back by the bank because they final bid doesn't cover their debt, this house has FIVE mortgages on it, he's got a lot of friends in the business, his top bid is our top bid (CRAP). So we still need prayers...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Prayers Needed

The house across the street from us is going up for auction on Thursday. We (I) have thought about moving before but we really love our neighbors and don't want to move just to move. We see this as an opportunity to get some things in a home we are currently lacking; garage, basement, flat back yard. If we could get it for a good price it would be awesome, of course we haven't even thought about trying to sell our house and this has come about in the last two days. We thought maybe we'd rent, or sell, or...who knows, but none the less we are moving forward. We've worked out the details, called the bank, prayed. So now we ask the few who stumble across this blog from week to week to just please pray that we see God's will clearly in this. It will be a huge struggle to handle the two mortgages in the transition period, so if He's not in it, it's going to be disaster and one thing we've learned is that our family under finacial stress is a bad thing. So please please please Thursday at 11:30am pray for us to just be calm and be able to hear Gods prompting when it comes to what we should pay for this house. Thank you!!!

Bourbon BBQ

Well, Micah's dad (Gary) has opened up resturant #2, going back to his roots, it's good old-fashioned BBQ. Just the thought of those ribs is making me drool!!! Here's the link to some great pics and the podcast interview.

Declaration of BBQ
No plates, we serve on butcher paper – it’s biodegradable
No Rolls - White bread rules, it’s there to soak up the juice
If the meat if falling off the bone, the ribs are overcooked
This BBQ is not like any other place in Bergen County
Pitt Master Gary is always right!
All poultry is sourced from our friends at the Goffle Farm
We do run out of meat on busy days
This is not fast food; all meat is made to order
Absolutely no refunds, ask questions before ordering!
Every BBQ is different, we do ours!
BBQ Chicken Breast will not be as moist as the Pulled Pork
If you are taking the food out, it will not be hot. Most BBQ is served at room temp
Ribs are cooked for many hours; the red is the smoke ring
Use your hands to eat, paper towels after the meal
Red bottle is not ketchup; it’s the Spicy BBQ Sauce
If you think this not a Southern BBQ, speak with Chef Gary
No Gas, No Electricity, just hard and fruit wood smoke
This BBQ is serious food to prepare, have fun while eating eat and do not worry about the etiquette, just Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I told you it was real!

Visit the Orgasmic Birth website!

Funny email I got today

July 8, 1947

Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an
unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and
cattle ranch just outside Roswell , New Mexico . This is a well known
incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and
the federal government.

However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine
months after that historic day the following people were born;

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.,
Hillary Rodham,
John F. Kerry,
William Jefferson Clinton,
Howard Dean,
Nancy Pelosi,
Dianne Feinstein,
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?

This piece of information may clear up a lot of things

Friday, July 13, 2007

He's getting so big!

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Feel My Pain

Here's three things that hurt like hell that most women refuse to talk about...

1.When a booger grows over a nose hair and connects to the inside wall of your nose.

2. Getting a chigger bite in a stretch mark.

3. A breastfed baby whose teething.

Update to yesterdays blog
17 kids in the childcare room today, I've decided 17 is TOO many.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Schizophrenic, Bi-polar, Contrary

Even though I have had to wash my couch cushions and mop up pee off the floor, no matter the screaming baby who won't take a nap, I seem to go through moments of wanting no more children or 19 more. I started thinking about it because "Yours, Mine, & Ours" is on . I LOVE this movie, it's exactly the kind of chaos that I want in my family. If you haven't see it, watch it.

Pics from Today

Now, normally we wear cloths around the house, but we are trying to potty train. If you are shy when it comes to little tushies turn away.

Grandma's Birthday

Grandma, Mandi, Jace, Madeline

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tragedies and Triumphs

Here's my week in snippets...we'll start with the good stuff.

We've got the boys sleeping in the same room, and the best part is we are putting them both in bed awake and they are falling asleep together!!!!!!!!

Gentry started signing "more" today. The funny thing is it wasn't for more food, but because he wanted the necklace I took away from him back...

Micah research project got approved by Martek, this is big because he'll be able to use work hours to do school work, and he won't have to drive to Lex. to work on it. Ya!!!!!

bad stuff

sister filed for divorce, husband checked out of rehab.

aunts live in boyfriend got hit by drive by, paralyzed from waste down

Micah's aunts house is covered in floodwater, lost just about everything

I finally conceded to putting Grey in school under the compromise of a Montessori school...never mind it's $3000 for 9mo. of 3hr a day schooling...back to homeschooling I guess.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Back to Reality

Over the past week Micah and I went on vacation with my family. It was the first time in years that some of us have been together so it was very special. We picked up my little brother, mom & dad from the airport last Saturday. We then headed to the Corvette museum and Mammoth caves. The next day we drove back to our house to pick up enough food to feed a small army (i.e. my family). After loading our car to absolute maximum capacity we left for Natural Bridge where we rented a cabin. My brother and his family drove in from Maryland and met us there. We went hiking, swam in the pool, had a birthday party for the boys, grilled awesome food, and just celebrated being together again. It was probably the best vacation I've ever had, not because of where we were but who we were with. And since I can't really find the words to express it here's a picture montage...

Here's pics of us just putting around the cabin.

The boys smoking cubans around the campfire.
I made little cakes for the adults to enjoy after we had the kids birthday party.

Eli & Grey's 3rd Birthday party.

Hiking around Natural Bridge
We grilled a 12lbs. salmon!
The pool at the resort was a huge hit.
The evening parade of matching pajamas...thanks Jen.
The boys going fishing at Hoedown island.
Spending time with Nanny before she went home.