Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tragedies and Triumphs

Here's my week in snippets...we'll start with the good stuff.

We've got the boys sleeping in the same room, and the best part is we are putting them both in bed awake and they are falling asleep together!!!!!!!!

Gentry started signing "more" today. The funny thing is it wasn't for more food, but because he wanted the necklace I took away from him back...

Micah research project got approved by Martek, this is big because he'll be able to use work hours to do school work, and he won't have to drive to Lex. to work on it. Ya!!!!!

bad stuff

sister filed for divorce, husband checked out of rehab.

aunts live in boyfriend got hit by drive by, paralyzed from waste down

Micah's aunts house is covered in floodwater, lost just about everything

I finally conceded to putting Grey in school under the compromise of a Montessori school...never mind it's $3000 for 9mo. of 3hr a day schooling...back to homeschooling I guess.

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