Monday, April 23, 2007

I really wish I had a cigarette

Every now and then a song will come on the radio and I will have a Pavlovian response of needing a cigarette, but I gave up smoking years ago. Matter of fact 5&1/2 yrs. I hated that I was a smoker, it's gross and stinky and most people don't like it. I started smoking regularly at the age of 14 and by the time I could drive it was up to about a pack a day.(my mother is fainting at this information) And not just those little ole regular ones I smoked the big dirty 100's, menthol. Why, you might ask, whith my 14yr old logic I was convinced that the menthol ones didn't make your breath stink, and well the shiny silver case I bought fit the 100's. Either way, it was so stupid! I used to be a decent singer, now I sound like a cat coughing up a furball :-) Anyway, just a thought while I was driving the other day. The hot sun beaming, window down, sunglasses on, no kids, loud music...I really wish I had a cigarette.

Instead I will continue to bite my nails to the point of having tender bleeding fingers, because that is far less disgusting.


laura_harv said...

I know...I never smoked that much...just a little when I would drink through college (or a lot depending on how much alcohol was consumed), but now...give me a beer and a little steve miller band and I'll smack your mother if I can get a cigarette out of it!

Mrs. Needham said...

girl, you so freakin' funny!

Patrick said...

I've only ever smoked casually and socially. I liked having something to do with my hands sometimes when my friends and I were out. Every time I smoked I"d wake up with a sore throat. I finally decided it wasn't worth the phlegm. I probably haven't had a cigarette in over a year. My clothes definitely smell better when I get home on the weekends.

Micah said...

I'll be damned if I didn't try it a few times. Just couldn't get past the burn it put on my eyes. I remember I was trying to convince a heavy smoking friend to bong a beer. He refused unless I smoked a cig with him. We both choked it down...
Laura, love that... I'll smack yo' mama! Nice...